Daily Meditation: April 30, 2021

by Ashley Bond on April 30, 2021

Wisdom is bright and unfading. She readily appears to those who love her. She’s found by those who keep seeking after her. She makes herself known even in advance to those who desire her with all their hearts.

-Wisdom 6:12, 13

First, I would like to express my delight in the fact that Wisdom is always referred to as a woman. I have personally be doing a lot of inner work these past many months and have been able to more deeply connect to my "inner knowing" or "wisdom". This is something that I believe, as women, we often ignore because we are too busy deeply connecting and responding to the needs of others. How little time we spend sitting in stillness and listening to the voice... the inner knowing deep inside our hearts. Wisdom tells us the truth about who we really are. We often ignore her because the truth can be inconvenient and disruptive. Sometimes we are afraid of the truth because it might offend. But when we deny our own truth, our own wisdom, our own inner knowing, the one we offend is the God who created us in her image. 

-Ashley Bond, Meditation

Musical Reflection - Magnificat - J.S. Bach - Master Chorale of S. Florida

Ground of all being, Mother of life,

Father of the universe.

May we know your presence here,

  Seeking your will upon earth.

Grant all your creatures food for today

And strength for our families.

Pardon our falseness as we forgive

Those who are untrue to us.

Do not forsake us in our need

But lead us to new birth.

For the glory of life and the light of life,

Are yours forever. Amen.

-John Philip Newell