

Advent helps us get ready to enter the Mystery of Christmas. Sometimes, people walk right through a mystery and don't even know it's there. We need a way to get ready. Our digital advent calendar is filled with messages, resources, and activities to help you and your family get ready to enter and come close to a mystery like Christmas.

christmas memorials

Make a Memorial Gift

Help adorn our worship space for Christmas and honor or remember a loved one by giving to the Christmas Memorial Flowers and Music fund. All gifts, great and small, are appreciated.

CHRISTMAS worship schedule

Sunday, December 17

Children's Christmas
Liturgy and Celebration
5:00pm in the Church

Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 24

Festive Rite II Holy Eucharist
4:00pm in the Church

Watch 4:00pm Livestream

Festive Rite II Holy Eucharist
9:30pm in the Church

Christmas Day
Monday, December 25

Rite II Holy Eucharist
10:30am in the Church

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