Walking the Mourner's Path (begins September 11) is a Christ-centered, non-denominational, grief support program. We believe grieving is not lack of faith but a natural part of living. Walking the Mourner's Path offers a way to honor your loved one in a small group setting with trained mentors, while navigating the many aspects of grief. The next group will meet on Wednesdays from 5:00pm-6:30pm from September 11 through October 30. If you would like to join the group, please contact Ninette Eastman at to register.
Education for Ministry (EfM) (begins in September) - Education for Ministry (EfM) was developed by the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee, to provide a mechanism for people to work through questions of faith and theological reflection. This four-year course of study explores biblical studies, church history and theology in a setting of prayer and community. Classes meet Monday mornings from 9:15am-11:45am or Wednesday evenings from 4:30pm-7:00pm. Contact Maria Elliott at to learn more.
Women of Trinity Church (September 18) - Monthly Membership meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month with a brief business agenda followed by a social activity. All women are welcome Wednesday, September 18, 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Parish House. Contact WOTC President Becca Ryan at .
Welcome Dinner (September 19) - Whether you are new to Trinity or just feel new, you are invited to the welcome dinner! Gather with other newcomers, clergy and staff at 6:00pm on Thursday, September 19 in Trinity's Parish House. Come with any questions and to learn more about Trinity and the Episcopal faith - but mostly, we want to meet you in person and help you connect here. Please RSVP online or to .
Monthly Family Night: Build Your Own Pizza Party (September 27) - Every month we gather Trinity's young families for community building and family fun. This month, we'll be baking our own pizzas and each family is asked to bring a fun topping of their choice. Questions? Contact Ashley Eastham at or Ashley Bond at .
Bishop's Visit & Confirmation Sunday (September 29) - During her visit at the 10:30am service, Bishop Duckworth will confirm, receive, and reaffirm those who seek a renewed commitment to Christ within the Episcopal Church. Interested adults should reach out to Rev. John Pitzer at .
Jack's House Dedication Ceremony and Open House (September 29) - With a lead gift from Mrs. Virginia Eason Weinmann, the historic home on the corner of Josephine and Coliseum Streets, formerly known as the Trinity Counseling and Training Center, will soon become the Weinmann Center for Pastoral Care and Administration, and will affectionately be referred to as Jack’s House. This renovated building will house offices for our Church and School staff. Please make plans to join us for the Dedication Ceremony and Open House on Sunday, September 29, immediately following the 10:30am service.
Enneagram Weekend (October 5 & 6) - One of Trinity’s beloved visiting teachers, Sandra Smith, MDiv., will be with us for a weekend of deepening spiritual practice and personal growth using the Enneagram and to celebrate the publishing of her first book, The Enneagram Map to your Deeper Self: Living Beyond Your Type!
Trinity's Restorative Justice Committee presents, A Love that Reconciles (October 9) - All are invited for a night of storytelling, prayer, silence, and singing on Wednesday, October 9, from 5:30pm - 7:00pm in Trinity's Chapel. Listen and learn from powerful stories that emerge from participants in the Center for Restorative Approaches (CRA) program. CRA brings responsible parties and the harmed parties together in facilitated “circles” to promote healing for the individuals and families, in the effort to prevent further community violence. These stories will be wrapped in prayer, silence and singing as our Trinity family experiences the Gospel fire of LOVE burning brightly even in our community often darkened by the problem of crime. Contact: The Rev. Carol Spencer at .
NAMIWalks with Team Trinity (October 12) - Trinity has assembled a walking team, joining hundreds of NAMIWalks Southeast Louisiana participants to increase awareness and raise funds for mental health care. Over 100,000 individuals and family members in our community are impacted by mental health conditions each year. Let’s stand together and let them know they are not alone. All proceeds provide free support, education, resources, and outreach to thousands of individuals each year. Contact team captain Ken Harrell at or register at www.namiwalks.org/team/TeamTrinity. All participants can purchase a team t-shirt for $15 if ordered by September 27.
Godly Play Teacher Training (October 18-20) - Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance and models the worship life, stories, symbols and rituals of Christian congregations. This 2 1/2 day retreat-style workshop equips adults with the skills and processes to lead Godly Play sessions with children. Contact Ashley Bond at .
Fall Rummage Sale (October 25-27) - Please continue to donate your gently used household items, books, clothing, and decor Tuesday through Friday from 8:30am-12:30pm at the Josephine Street loading area. You can call the front office for assistance at (504) 522-0276. The Fall Rummage Sale is scheduled for setup beginning October 23, with sale October 25-27, 2024 in Bishops Hall. Contact Sara Allen Harper at to arrange for alternate drop off times or if you are interested in volunteering to sort or work the sale.
YogaMass® (September 7) is offered on the first Saturday of every month from 10:30am - 12:00pm in the sanctuary. YogaMass® is a worship service that integrates yoga, breath work, meditation, and Holy Communion as a way to bring into self-awareness the body and spirit that is given to each of us by God.
NEXT SUNDAY! Godly Play Sermon (September 8) - Don't let the "Play" in "Godly Play" fool you! This is BIG work. Once a year Ashley Bond, Director of Formation and National Godly Play Trainer, will share a Godly Play-style sermon at the 10:30am service. All Godly Play classes will also attend this service. Children and families are encouraged to sit up close.
Evening Prayer with Healing: (September 10) - Join us for a healing service of music and light at 6:00pm in the Chapel on the second Tuesday of the month.
Evensong for the Feast of St. Matthew (September 21) - A service of Choral Evensong (Evening Prayer) will be lead by the Trinity Choir for the Feast of St. Matthew the Evangelist on Saturday, September 21 at 4:00pm. The service will be filled with hymns, canticles, psalms, and anthems celebrating the apostle who authored the Gospel of Matthew. A beautiful part of our Anglican tradition, Choral Evensong is a way to relax and reflect in prayer as we enter the golden light of the evening hours.
Creation Care Liturgy (September 22) - The Season of Creation, September 1st through October 4th, is celebrated by Christians around the world as a time for renewing, repairing and restoring our relationship to God, one another, and all of creation. The theme for 2024 is “To hope and act with Creation”. Join us as we honor all that is Creation through music, prayers, and liturgy.
Foundations: Learning the Basics of the Christian Faith and Episcopal Tradition (Sundays, September 8, 15 & 22) - Anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Christian faith and life is invited to take Foundations, a three-week course facilitated by clergy for adults considering Baptism, Confirmation, Reaffirmation, or Reception into The Episcopal Church. Sunday, September 29 is "Confirmation Sunday", where Bishop Shannon Duckworth will baptize, confirm, reaffirm, and receive those who feel called to sacramentally and publicly say “yes” to Jesus and His church as expressed through the Episcopal Church and Trinity. This course will meet September 8, 15, and 22, from 9:15am - 10:15am in the Parish House Parlor. Please RSVP to .
Education for Ministry (EfM) (begins in September) - Education for Ministry (EfM) was developed by the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee, to provide a mechanism for people to work through questions of faith and theological reflection. This four-year course of study explores biblical studies, church history and theology in a setting of prayer and community. Classes meet Monday mornings from 9:15am-11:45am or Wednesday evenings from 4:30pm-7:00pm beginning in September. For information about registration, please contact Maria Elliott at .
Daily Meditation emails are offered each morning on Monday-Saturday so that you can begin your day with a reminder that you are Christ's Beloved! These meditations are written by clergy and parishioners using a bit of scripture from the Daily Office as a starting point, a brief reflection accompanied by art/music. If you wish to subscribe or if you'd like to try writing occasionally, please contact Maria Elliott at .
The Rector's Forum - Led by the rector, Rev. Andy Thayer meets Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the Parish House.
12 Steps Are for Everyone meets Sunday mornings at 9:15am. For more information contact Patty Justice at .
Faith and Fiction (returns September 8) meets at 9:15am in the classroom just off the Trinity School Library. Our group of facilitators choose short stories (mostly secular) to discuss from a Christian perspective. We look for glimmers of the divine, illustrations of God’s grace, and insights about how to live our lives in accord with the teachings of Jesus. New members and "drop-ins" are always welcome, in-person or via Zoom. If you would like to join the class and receive a syllabus and weekly emails, please contact Merry Toups at .
High School Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) meets every Wednesday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at Molly's House and one Sunday a month for a fun adventure. Email Sarah Bomhoff, lay youth minister, at to receive email updates.
EYC Sunday Funday at ZipNOLA (September 15) - Kick-off the school year for a trip to ZipNOLA, Sunday, September, 15. We will take off from Trinity's campus at 1:30pm and plan to return around 4:00pm. Please RSVP to and she will send over details and the waiver.
Guild of the Christ Child (GOTCC) - Is your family growing? Please let us know! If you are expecting, adopting, fostering, and anything in between, please email Maria Elliott at so that we can pray for you and your family.
Nursery Care is available from 10:00am - 12:00pm for children age 3 and under. A Safe Church, Safe Communities certified adult is supported by our High School Nursery Ministry Team to welcome our littles friends with joy and excitement. High schoolers interested in joining this paid ministry team should email .
The Pray Ground is located at the front, left of the church and serves as a place where young children can experience worship while being physically comfortable. Spirit Bags, soft materials, and books are available in this place. Please help your child enjoy this space quietly and peacefully.
Godly Play is a Montessori approach to the spiritual formation of children and is offered every Sunday at 10:30am during the school year. Classes are organized by grade (PK3-5th). To learn more contact Ashley Bond at .
Student Readers are invited to share their voices with our community by serving as readers during the 10:30am and 6:00pm services. Email if you would like to serve in this way. "Give young people a greater voice. They are the future and they are much wiser than we give them credit for." - Desmond Tutu
Student Acolytes - The Acolyte Ministry is a vital part of our worship, which has its roots in the Old Testament, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest. Acolyting invites middle and high school students to be active participants in worship, form new friendships, and grow in leadership, responsibility, and maturity. To join one of our Acolyte Teams, email Acolyte Minister, Becca Wallace at .
Calling All Tutors!! Trinity is proud to re-establish a relationship with the STAIR (Start The Adventure In Reading) tutoring program and is assembling a team for Fall 2024. The Mission Commission is now collecting names of individuals who have interest in becoming a trained tutor for an 11 week commitment (once weekly). STAIR exclusively serves 2nd and 3rd graders attending New Orleans Public Schools, and exclusively tutors in reading. For more information on being a part of Trinity's team, please email Fr. John at .
If you are interested in serving immediately, being a substitute tutor (no training necessary) might give you an idea if this is something you feel called to do. Visit https://www.stairnola.org/tutors to learn more.
Trinity Restorative Justice Committee - Inspired by Christ, the Trinity Restorative Justice Committee was formed to support Trinity's mission to "do justice" with a focus on the needs of at-risk youth and young adults in the city of New Orleans, supporting them and their families to avoid entry or re-entry into the Louisiana criminal legal system. To learn more about related volunteer opportunities visit www.trinitynola.com/restorative-justice/ or contact Rev. Carol Spencer at .
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Cash and check contributions may be mailed, placed in the plate, or hand-delivered to Trinity's stewardship or business offices. Cash must be received by December 31, 2023. Checks must be dated December 31, 2023 and postmarked December 31, 2023 in order to be considered a 2023 tax deduction.
You can also set up your giving to be automatic by making your gift recurring.
Visit trinitynola.com/giving to learn more.
'Together We Build' Capital Campaign - Trinity is proud to present the culmination of the Church and School’s strategic planning efforts with a joint $13 million Capital Campaign, Trinity 2024: Together We Build. The Campaign goal and projects have been designed to create a more functional and attractive campus for Trinity that will ultimately build a more vital community for the future. For more information, please visit the Campaign website at www.Trinity2024.org or scan the QR code.