
Current Vestry Roster

Term Expiring 2025

Gwathmey Gomila
Carrie Lewis
John Sinnott
Bryant York

Term Expiring 2026

Julie Burlingame
Keith Jordan
Suzanne Perlis
George Young

Term Expiring 2027

Nina Fitch
Will French
Anne Long
Toto Robinson

Term Expiring 2028

Kirsten Breckinridge
Marshall Hevron
Michael Kearney
Holt Kolb

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you become a Vestry Member?

Candidates must have been a member of the church for one year, be over age 21 and have been confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church by a bishop of the church.  Nominees must also have provided financial support, as confirmed by the Church's stewardship records, within six months prior to the Annual Meeting to be held in the Spring. 

Each year in October, a Vestry nominating committee is formed of active church parishioners, responsible for discerning the next slate of Vestry members. Beginning in December, for a period of two months, this committee receives nominations for potential Vestry members from the congregation. The committee then discerns a slate of four candidates to be approved around the time of Trinity's Annual Meeting, in the late spring.

What are the expectations and responsibilities of a Vestry Member?

Expectations and responsibilities of Vestry members include:

  • Regular Sunday worship
  • Attendance at forums, special events and programs of the church
  • Active involvement in committees and programs of the church
  • Service on Vestry committees (such as finance/budget, stewardship, endowment, buildings and grounds, youth/adult education and community ministry)
  • Providing leadership in stewardship activities, including an annual personal pledge
  • Participation in annual budget development and review
  • Support of the ministry of the Rector and staff in carrying out the mission of the church
  • Attendance at monthly Vestry meetings and annual Vestry retreat
  • Participate (or have participated in) anti-racism training
  • Active involvement in hospitality and welcoming activities

How long does one serve on the Vestry?

Trinity's vestry is comprised of 16 members who each serve a four-year term. Member terms begin in the summer of their appointment year, and end in the late spring of their term-end year.

What is the role of the Vestry?

The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. 

The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.

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