Daily Meditation: July 20, 2022

by Allison Durant on July 20, 2022

The Episcopal Church has added to its Calendar four American women who were pioneers in the struggle for black emancipation and for women's votes. The date chosen for commemorating them is the anniversary of the Women's Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, 19-20 July 1848. 

O God, whose Spirit guides us into all truth and makes us free: Strengthen and sustain us as you did your servants Elizabeth, Amelia, Sojourner, and Harriet. Give us vision and courage to stand against oppression and injustice and all that works against the glorious liberty to which you call all your children; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

I recently read Glennon Doyle’s book Untamed. In it she refers to “racial sobriety” and without quoting her, refers to the moment she decides not to live her life in the dark anymore, burying her head and ignoring privilege.

When I made a decision to quit drinking alcohol, it was really a decision to live my life differently, to put down the wine bottle and face the reality that I was too afraid to face. After eight years of sobriety, I can see how those fears kept me stuck, disconnected and living with my head in the sand.

Deciding to be racially sober, I can turn away from fear, toward the knowing and learn to live life differently, just like I did when I omitted alcohol.

Alcoholism is a disease of perception. In applying these principles to my blind spots about race and social injustices, I want to be open to learn, even in times that may be painful, to live life differently and become racially sober.

Musical Reflection - Illuminate the Shadows - The Porter's Gate

God, I am willing to remain teachable and to see the world through one of curiosity and compassion. Please provide me with courage to face my fears and see the world through another lens so that I may be of maximum service to you and others. Amen.