Daily Meditation: March 23, 2020

by Marcia Jahncke on March 23, 2020

Therefore, if your whole body is full of light,
and no part of it is dark, it will be just as full of light as when the lamp shines its light on you.

- Luke 11:36

Daily Meditation
March 23, 2020

Therefore, if your whole body is full of light,
and no part of it is dark, it will be just as full of light
as when the lamp shines its light on you.
-Luke 11:36

At our Wednesday Lenten discussion of Light, Andy taught us about photons. I learned some of the important elements in the definition of a photon. It is the basic unit of all light. It is in constant motion and has zero mass. Then came the most amazing fact that related this concept to our lesson. Absolutely ALL atoms have photons. This means that every fiber of our being is infused with light! Once again, we are reminded of the power and magnificence of our creator.

Lately, I have been striving to see God in each person that I encounter. This new perspective on light has definitely expanded my vision. Knowing that we are all born of the light and live in the light is a source of comfort and awe. To accept that the light truly lives in all of us is inspiring and challenging. On the way home from church, I pass two pockets of homeless people. Huddled in their tattered clothing and ragged blankets, they appear drab and despondent. Yet, that night, I saw them differently. I was able to envision the light within them and see them as beloved children of God. I realized that in sharing God's light, we have something wondrous in common. Also, I was reminded that the light is meant to shine not only in us, but through us – to be exposed, not hidden.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12) What a glorious affirmation that we can indeed dwell in Him and He in us. . So, how can I let my light shine through? How can I better perceive and appreciate the glow that is ever present in others? These are complicated questions that I will most certainly be asking myself as I follow the light to Jerusalem.

Father in Heaven, You made me Your child and called me to walk in the Light of Christ. Free me from darkness and keep me in the light of your truth.

- From the Missionary Society of St. Columban

This Little Light - Moses Hogan Chorale