
Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. They brought to him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him aside in private, away from the crowd, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat and touched his tongue. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, ‘Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened.’ And immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it. They were astounded beyond measure, saying, ‘He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.’

-Mark 7:31-37

This passage is one of my favorite reminders of the Lord’s presence in our lives, the miracles He performs, and the countless blessings He pours out each day. In this passage, Jesus restores hearing and speech to a man who had long been unable to fully experience the wonderful world around him. With just His touch and a single word, "Ephphatha," or, "Be opened," Jesus reveals His divine power and His immeasurable compassion. This moment of healing is not just a miracle, it is a testament to God’s endless love and His desire to bring wholeness and joy into our lives.

Looking back on the past few days, I see the Lord’s blessings similarly shining in how our city welcomed the country for the Super Bowl! Even with the added challenges of responding to a terrorist attack just a month ago and a record breaking snowfall only a few weeks ago, our incredible city came together with resilience, warmth, and joy. It is truly a gift to witness how, even in times of trouble and anxiety, God gave us the strength to rise, to celebrate, and to extend our light to others.

In particular, the neon lights illuminating St. Louis Cathedral stood as a breathtaking symbol of faith and God’s enduring presence. Just as Jesus opened the ears and mouth of the man in the Gospel, allowing him to experience life in a new and extraordinary way, those glowing lights reminded me that God is always with us, illuminating our paths and filling our hearts with hope and joy. His miracles are not just stories from the past; we're so lucky to see them unfolding around us every day, especially in the way New Orleans comes together, in the love shared between our community, and in the joy of welcoming everyone with open arms.

Musical Reflection - Go and Tell John - Lutheran Seminary Chorus

Gracious God, help us to sit for a moment today in gratitude for the gifts of this life. Especially, when we are faced with the trials and challenges of the day. Amen.

New TestamentHealing

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