Scrim is Home!

What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.
-Matthew 18:12-14

I’ve had this devotional on my heart for a while, but because I was so concerned about whether Scrim would be found alive, but I hesitated to write about his situation. See, for the past year, I’ve been amazed at seeing New Orleanians coming together in person and online, all in search of this one lost little sheep who ran astray.

Many of you know of Scrim’s exploits (surviving a hurricane and blizzard, pierced by bullets, and an escape through a second story window), but many of us haven’t considered the sheer breadth of people who searched high and low for this little guy, from Harahan to the Tremé. Whenever Scrim was spotted in a neighborhood, many people left food, water, and blankets out in the hopes that he would take shelter with them. Many others drove around for hours looking under houses, and calling in tips and video when he was spotted. 

How many others followed his exploits on the news (including global news), and said a quick prayer under their breath when they saw a missing sign on their daily commute? How many shared his social media posts when he was spotted in unusual locations, like Lakeview and Metairie? Just doing a quick back of the envelope math (including the populations of the greater New Orleans area and the global reach of the news outlets who shared his story), I would assume Scrim’s story has been shared with easily over a million people. A million prayers, a million shares, a million hopes for this one little lost sheep to be brought home by his shepherd. 

Frankly, New Orleanians gave me hope during this year of searching, and not only is Scrim sleeping snugly in a home tonight, but countless other animals have been successfully found and sheltered as a result of his search. And then, this Carnival season has been a celebration of Scrim coming home-from so many floats from so many krewes to so many costumes on Fat Tuesday. We’re all celebrating this little lost sheep’s return. I’m proud of you New Orleans, I’m proud to call you home, and I’m proud to be in that number.

Musical Reflection - When the Saints Go Marching In (Live at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, 2006)

Thank you God for being our shepherd who will always look for us when we’re lost and for celebrating our safe return. Thank you for inspiring that same love in the millions of hearts who were searching and then overjoyed at Scrim’s safe return. Amen.


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