Thank God for New Opportunities and Routines

Our steps are directed by the Lord; 
he strengthens those in whose way he delights.

If they stumble, they shall not fall headlong, 
for the Lord holds them by the hand.

-Psalm 37:24,25

In May the journey God has walked me through for the past ten years ended. The comfort of Trinity Episcopal School being my school ended as I graduated and said goodbye to a decade of love, family, and comfort. Three weeks ago I started my next journey at Sacred Heart. As this Psalm says I know my steps are directed by the Lord and I am walking the path he has set for me. However you never really realize the challenge of stepping out of your comfort zone and following God’s path. After my first day of school reality hit hard that I would no longer see all the familiar faces of Trinity’s students and teachers every day. When God challenges us to step out of our routine it can be difficult at first, but soon enough that challenge becomes the routine. If you were to tell me three weeks ago that I am familiar with school only three weeks later I would have probably laughed at you in disbelief. I am thankful that God has pushed me and that he has set such a wonderful plan for my life even if I am in disbelief when a new part of the plan starts I know that it is right and he is guiding me every day. I know that as long as I trust in him he will never lead me astray. 

Musical Reflection - Happy from the inside out - The Porter's Gate

Dear God, thank you for giving us new opportunities and routines every day. Thank you for giving us scripture and proof that you are always with us and guiding us in your plan for our lives everyday. We are forever grateful that we are never alone and always have a friend in you to confide in and give us reassurance in our lives. Amen.


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