Woody and Magical

Oh God, you are my God; eagerly I seek you;
My soul thirsts for you, my flesh faints for you,
As in a barren and dry land where there is no water
Therefore I have gazed upon you in your holy place,
That I might behold your power and your glory.
For your loving-kindness is better than life itself;
My lips shall give you praise.
So I will bless you as long as I live
And lift up my hands in your name.
- Psalm 63:1-4

We are 27 modern-day pilgrims walking the steps that pilgrims walked centuries ago, in Wales, a country most of us had never visited but quickly learned to love. We are walking the steps of Saint David, also known as King David, the patron saint of Wales. Like the pilgrims we are eagerly seeking our God and hope to find him, or a deeper spirituality, along the paths.

As in life, our paths are sometimes smooth, often hilly and rocky, and at times, woodsy and magical. Our walks take us to holy places, sometimes referred to as “thin places” by the Celts. In these places one feels close to heaven and where we behold God around us. We visit simple country churches, wells where the waters are credited with miracles, and a few grand churches and cathedrals. Often, in the silence of nature and the exquisite verdant pastures filled with peaceful sheep, we pray. Our Fitbits tell us we walk almost six miles each day, and we know that these are holy walks, in holy places.

When I chose this Psalm, it spoke to me but I didn’t know why. A bit of research told me that it was attributed to King David when he was in the Desert of Judah. He wrote this to teach us that our spiritual survival will not be long without being fed by our relationship with God. Was it a coincidence that I chose this Psalm, not knowing of its author? I think not.

God speaks to us throughout our day. He is in every prayer we say. He is in the face of every person we meet. He is in the fields of Wales, the air we breathe, and every step we take, no matter where we are. As the Psalmist David says, we just have to lift up our hands and say his name.

Musical Reflection - Just A Closer Walk - Blind Boys of Alabama

Take this time,

To journey around yourself,

And discover who you truly are.

Take this time

To consider changes facing you

And find a new way to be.

Take this time,

To connect with something bigger,

And experience a new reality.

-Celtic Blessing from “Little Book of Wales”


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