Led by Michelle Cox, come create a shared safe space to gently reset our bodies to welcome spring and the promise of Easter. This 7-week program blends elements from the Way Of Love Lenten calendar from the Episcopal Church and personal health and wellness topics in weekly group meetings. Meeting dates are Wednesdays, March 12 - April 16, from 8:15am to 9:00am, and will explore the topics: goal setting, hydration, healthy food and beverage, healthy movement, fascia massage, and reflection.
Michelle is a Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach in New Orleans. She has a background in psychology and geography and holds several certifications: ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition Coach, and Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach. She helps her clients with low energy, sleep problems, and weight issues and leads group health reboots. Michelle has extensive training in myofascial bodywork and focuses on helping people feel better in their bodies.