Finding My Church Home
By Ivan Griffin
Confirmed on September 10, 2023
The year was 2012. In June I had just returned to my beloved home state after 20+ years of living away. In September of that year, I was invited to perform on the Trinity Artists Series with the local company OperaCréole. It was then that I met Albinas and Manon Prizgintas, Albinas being the Director of Music at the time. After hearing me sing during a pre-concert rehearsal, he spoke about his interest in hiring me as a paid choir soloist/section leader. I wasn’t particularly interested in a choir position because I had already been there, done that in other churches. But before relocating home I had prayed and asked God to lead me in the direction I was to go. Using the famous Nike quote, I said “Lord, just do it! Place me where I’m supposed to be.” With that thought in mind, I graciously accepted the offer. So, you see, it was a job that initially brought me to Trinity.
Not long after joining the choir one of the members gave me a copy of The Episcopal Handbook: Revised Edition during rehearsal, which I equate to the Cliff Notes version about the Episcopal Church. I smiled and accepted the gift, but all the while thinking, “Is this woman trying to get me to join this church? I’m just here for a job.”
From 2012-2017 opportunities for growth and expansion in my career as a performing artist/teacher increased, demanding more of my energy and attention. So, in 2017, I bid the choir adieu. Maria Elliott, a fellow choir member and, interestingly enough, the person who eventually became my sponsor, welcomed me to return to visit sometime, and I told her that I would. I had been active in church ALL OF MY LIFE, and I couldn’t see myself not going SOMEPLACE. Ironically, however, I had become disgruntled with organized religion and didn’t feel the need to officially join anyplace. What I needed was the time and the mental space to just be. So, from that day forward, and completely unbothered by it, I joyfully participated in the service as a congregant when possible. During those years I also attended several other churches, but my heart always led me back here.
In 2023, for the first time since returning to New Orleans, I began to feel a gentle nudge in my spirit that it was time to have a church home; to set down roots, as it were. I considered several other churches, but none of them felt quite right. I always found myself back here. So, after a service in August 2023, I approached Fr. John Pitzer and, as is our usual manner, we gave each other a big hug. It was then that I whispered in his ear “I’m ready to join the church.” Not quite sure of what I said, he asked me to repeat myself, which I did.
His response had me smiling from ear-to-ear as
he looked me in my eyes and said, “PRAISE GOD!”
In the confirmation class I was met with like-minded people all on a similar journey who were seeking a spiritual support center. I found the freedom that allows me to live authentically while continuing to develop my own personal relationship with God. This re-affirmed that my decision was correct. On September 10th when Bishop Shannon Duckworth laid her hands on me to confirm my decision, what I felt was “Ivan, welcome home.”