In the weeks since the Stay-at-Home mandate have gone into effect, Trinity Loaves and Fishes has found new ways to support community partners and continue to feed some of the most at-risk in our community. TLF continues to prepare "TLF to-go" bags to distribute, as well as financially support local feeding endeavors, redirecting normal operating funds.
How can you help?
Donating Supplies
There are few items are in need of a few important supplies that are hard to get in large quantities from grocery stores.
Small Water Bottles – As it has started to heat up, people living on the streets are in need of water. Large packs of bottled water are greatly needed.
Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread – Any sandwich bread you can find would be great. TLF prefers whole wheat, but will gladly take white bread if available.
Fruit with Shelf-Life – TLF is known for their large healthy meals. We try and add fruit to every to-go bag. If you are able to buy the large bags of apples and oranges that would be a huge help! Please do not purchase bananas, they go bad too quickly.
Canned Chicken & Tuna – Canned protein is in high-demand and can be distributed in grocery bags. Small cans of tuna, chicken, and Vienna sausages are all welcome.
Every Friday from 8:00am-12:00pm you can drop-off these goods in the circle drive at Trinity Episcopal Church. All donations will be used the following week in TLF to-go bags. TLF to-go is currently feeding around 500 people a week.
Volunteer Opportunities
TLF does not have volunteer groups meeting at the church due to the stay at home mandate, but have partnered with the below sites that offer a variety of opportunities to serve.
Culture Aid NOLA
Serving meals at several sites in New Orleans. (TLF Partner)
Jesus Project Ministries
Launching grocery deliveries on Saturdays in the Hollygrove neighborhood and will need volunteers to make deliveries to families. (TLF Partner)
Greater New Orleans Caring Collective
Volunteer to call and check in on families, deliver groceries, manage the hotline, provide laundry services.
Hands-On New Orleans
A variety of volunteer opportunities in New Orleans.