Over the past three-weeks, Trinity Loaves and Fishes has been hard at work finding new ways to support the local community despite the circumstances. The TLF program is allocating financial contributions to local non-profits, such as Jesus Project ministries, and program director Aaron Taylor began organizing volunteers for Culture Aid NOLA, a new partnership for Trinity Loaves and Fishes arising from the pandemic. Culture Aid NOLA provides meals to newly unemployed hospitality workers, and has partnered with the city government to give out several thousand meals.
While TLF's traditional manner of operations was not appropriate for observing mandated social distancing measures, many meals have been served thanks to the hard work of one volunteer superstar. Ben Nobles, together with Beth Monahan, Director of the Rebuild Center (a Trinity Loaves and Fishes partner) have served over 1,700 meals during the last three weeks to some of TLF's beloved partners such as Hope House, Project Lazarus, the Rebuild Center, and Mercy Endeavors. Ben and Beth have also served many of the homeless populations living under the interstate, and in the St. Claude and French Quarter neighborhoods. Most of the supplies used were purchased right before restrictions were put into place by Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. When in need of supplies, Ben has often gone to several stores in a single day to find what he needs. He has devoted an enormous amount of time and labor towards his passion of feeding our community. Trinity is very lucky to have such a dedicated volunteer and friend. TLF is working on a plan to get out more meals in the following weeks. Next time you see Ben at church, when we can all gather together again, be sure to thank him for his continued hard work. Here we share a quote from Ben . . .
Thanks to Trinity’s continued outpouring of love for those who are hungry and food scarce, we were able to reach many of our brothers and sisters in need with a brown bag lunch.
TLF thanks you for all your prayers and love. We could not be such a strong ministry without your support! If you would like to make a contribution to continue the important work of feeding in our city. Visit Trinity's Giving Page and choose "Trinity Loaves and Fishes" from the dropdown menu when asked to designate your gift.