The Beatific Vision


From the Archives

From every family, language, people, and nation, a kingdom of priests to serve our God. And so, to him who sits upon the throne, and to Christ the Lamb, Be worship and praise, dominion and splendor, forever and for evermore.
- from Canticle 18

There is an ancient phrase which has fallen out of usage for the most part in the modern era: the beatific vision. In Christian theology, the beatific vision is the vision of heaven, the communion of Saints, the full presence of God. I don’t often contemplate such transcendent images as it seems a bit beyond my pay scale to do so, and there is a plethora of more down-to-earth images with which to concern myself. What I do appreciate of the vision of God is the completeness of who is present around the throne. According to revelation this includes “every family, language, people, and nation”.

During these days when we are frequently separated from one another because of our differences-families, races, economics, nationality, partisan political views… the list is endless—it is helpful to remember that in God’s presence such divisions cease to be. Perhaps this is what Paul meant when he writes that in Christ there is no longer “Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) This was Paul’s earthly way of mirroring the heavenly reality of the beatific vision. For those of us that pray daily “on earth as it is in heaven” perhaps we should contemplate this vision more often. 

Musical Reflection - Crown Him with Many Crowns

Lord, in the darkness of this season, we give you thanks for revealing this heavenly image of love and light in perfect service to You. Amen.
Kingdom of GodArchives

Posted by The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer

My formative experiences all occur within the Episcopal Church. I was born and raised in Texas and went to Episcopal schools where my mother was either a teacher or principal and my father was the priest or chaplain. I met my wife and married at St. David’s Austin where I worked as a youth minister, and even while working professionally in the theater for 10 years managed to lead retreats at Episcopal Camps and Conference centers on the side. It was not a surprise to many when I entered seminary at Sewanee in 2001. 

After being ordained I served parishes in both San Antonio and Corpus Christi during which we started our family. In 2009, I was invited to study for a Doctorate at The University of Oxford in England where we lived for 6 years. During that time, I also worked for the Diocese of Oxford at both Christ Church Cathedral and in a small rural parish, St. Kenelm’s, in the Cotswolds. Before coming to Trinity Church, Andy served as Rector at Church of the Ascension in Montgomery, Alabama.

We have three kids. Our two eldest, William and Natalie, currently attend St. Paul's School in Concord, Massachusetts, also an Episcopal school. James, our youngest, carpools with me every morning to Trinity to attend Trinity Episcopal School. 

I’n my free time I enjoy music, running, tennis, cooking, camping, playing with the family Weimaraners ‘Otto’ and newly adopted ‘Ollie’, and restoring and riding my old BMW motorcycle - I am still hunting for an appropriate sidecar.

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