Caring for a Loved One (begins January 9) - We can't heal from what we don't acknowledge. Being fully present to someone you love requires emotional, physical and spiritual strength. No one can do it alone. Join us, as you are called on to support your loved one, so that we can support one another on the journey. Lead by Debby Poitevent, LCSW, on the second and 4th Thursday of each month at 9:30am beginning January 9 through May 22. Contact: Debby Poitevent at .
Welcome Dinner (January 16) - Welcome to Trinity, Welcome to New Orleans, Welcome to the Episcopal Church, Welcome! Whether you are new to Trinity or just feel new, you are invited to dinner with the rector - and he's cooking! Gather with other newcomers, clergy and staff at 6:00pm on Thursday, January 16 in Trinity's Parish House. Come with any questions and to learn more about Trinity and the Episcopal faith - but mostly, we want to meet you in person and help you connect here. Please RSVP to Mary Katherine Williams at .
Enneagram in Epiphany (January 10 - February 7) - Epiphany is a great time to work with the Enneagram. Where are our blind spots? What new things will be revealed to us? What special aspect of Christ's light do we hold within our hearts? We will practice together on Fridays at 1:00pm in the Menge Board Room. Please register for this class by emailing Maria Elliott .
Tuesday Morning Eucharist - Join us for Eucharist in the Chapel, every Tuesday at 7:30am.
YogaMass® (February 1) is offered on the first Saturday of every month from 10:30am - 12:00pm in the sanctuary. YogaMass® is a worship service that integrates yoga, breath work, meditation, and Holy Communion as a way to bring into self-awareness the body and spirit that is given to each of us by God.
Evening Prayer and Healing (February 11) - We pray together for healing from violence in our city, depletion from stress, care for our creation, exhaustion from economic uncertainty, hunger in any form, and the healing of our bodies and souls. Praying and singing together in community is a way of expanding our intentions and desires for wholeness with God's help. Your voice is an important one! Please join us at 6:00pm in the Chapel on the second Tuesday of the month. Questions? Contact Maria Elliott at .
Calling all Writers! Each Day members of the Trinity community offer short reflections on the biblical readings appointed for the day. If you enjoy writing and would be willing to share your observations from time to time, please accept this invitation to be a part of our writing community. For more information or to get in the rotation, contact Maria Elliott, or call (504) 259-2098.
The Rector's Forum - You’re invited to the Rector's Forum, Sundays at 9:15am, held in our new Menge Family Board Room at Jack's House! This weekly gathering is a wonderful opportunity to explore the Sunday Episcopal Lectionary readings in greater depth. Each session, we’ll dive into the themes, context, and insights of the Scripture, with plenty of time for discussion, questions, and reflection. Whether you’re curious about the readings, looking to deepen your understanding, or simply want to connect with fellow parishioners, all are welcome!
12 Steps Are for Everyone is a class for anyone who may be interested in learning more about the 12 Steps within an Episcopal faith community. The class does not focus on problems of substance abuse but rather, on the practical path to spiritual growth and emotional healing provided by the 12 Steps. The group is now studying J. Keith Miller’s Hunger for Healing. Miller explains how a committed Christian can benefit from the 12 Steps and continue to grow emotionally and spiritually. All are invited to be part of the conversation on Sundays at 9:15am in the Church Board Room. Questions? Contact Patty Justice at .
Faith and Fiction meets at 9:15am in the classroom just off the Trinity School Library. Our group of facilitators choose short stories (mostly secular) to discuss from a Christian perspective. We look for glimmers of the divine, illustrations of God’s grace, and insights about how to live our lives in accord with the teachings of Jesus. New members and "drop-ins" are always welcome, in-person or via Zoom. If you would like to join the class and receive a syllabus and weekly emails, please contact Merry Toups at .
Faith and Fiction will meet for the last time this year on Sunday, December 15 and then resume class on January 5.
Rite 13 for Middle School Youth (begins January 19) - Rite 13 is a spiritual formation class for 6th and 7th grade students. Beginning on January 19th, Trinity will offer Rite 13 during the 10:30am service. Classes will take place at Molly’s House (the building on Coliseum directly across from the chapel), and will be approximately 45 minutes long. Students return to the church in time for communion. To register your student, please email Ashley Bond at .
Youth Pilgrimage to Taizé, France - This year Trinity Church High School Youth will travel to Taizé, a faith community in Burgundy, France, where they join the monastery’s rhythms of daily prayer, service, and rest. It’s a unique opportunity for high schoolers to connect with themselves, one another, and God. Enrolled Trinity Church Youth in grades 9-12 are eligible to join us for the trip, June 6 - June 15, 2025. Registration opens November 10. The estimated cost is $2500. Scholarships are available; our goal is for all interested youth to join us, regardless of cost. All pilgrims will be required to fundraise to offset costs. For questions, contact Ashley Bond at .
Guild of the Christ Child (GOTCC) - Is your family growing? Please let us know! If you are expecting, adopting, fostering, and anything in between, please email Maria Elliott at so that we can pray for you and your family.
Nursery Care is available from 10:00am - 12:00pm for children age 3 and under. A Safe Church, Safe Communities certified adult is supported by our High School Nursery Ministry Team to welcome our littles friends with joy and excitement. High schoolers interested in joining this paid ministry team should email .
The Pray Ground is located at the front, left of the church and serves as a place where young children can experience worship while being physically comfortable. Spirit Bags, soft materials, and books are available in this place. Please help your child enjoy this space quietly and peacefully.
Godly Play is a Montessori approach to the spiritual formation of children and is offered every Sunday at 10:30am during the school year. Classes are organized by grade (PK3-5th). To learn more contact Ashley Bond at .
Student Readers are invited to share their voices with our community by serving as readers during the 10:30am and 6:00pm services. Email if you would like to serve in this way. "Give young people a greater voice. They are the future and they are much wiser than we give them credit for." - Desmond Tutu
Student Acolytes - The Acolyte Ministry is a vital part of our worship, which has its roots in the Old Testament, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest. Acolyting invites middle and high school students to be active participants in worship, form new friendships, and grow in leadership, responsibility, and maturity. To join one of our Acolyte Teams, email Acolyte Minister, Becca Wallace at .
Trinity School is seeking enthusiastic adults who would like to serve as substitute teachers. No prior teaching experience is required—just bring your enthusiasm and a passion for working with wonderful students! The greatest need is in the Middle School (5th - 8th grades). Please contact Gary Taylor at for details.
Trinity Restorative Justice Committee - Inspired by Christ, the Trinity Restorative Justice Committee was formed to support Trinity's mission to "do justice" with a focus on the needs of at-risk youth and young adults in the city of New Orleans, supporting them and their families to avoid entry or re-entry into the Louisiana criminal legal system. To learn more about related volunteer opportunities visit or contact Rev. Carol Spencer at .
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Cash and check contributions may be mailed, placed in the plate, or hand-delivered to Trinity's stewardship or business offices. Cash must be received by December 31, 2023. Checks must be dated December 31, 2023 and postmarked December 31, 2023 in order to be considered a 2023 tax deduction.
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'Together We Build' Capital Campaign - Trinity is proud to present the culmination of the Church and School’s strategic planning efforts with a joint $13 million Capital Campaign, Trinity 2024: Together We Build. The Campaign goal and projects have been designed to create a more functional and attractive campus for Trinity that will ultimately build a more vital community for the future. For more information, please visit the Campaign website at or scan the QR code.