Register here.

Children of all ages are invited to participate fully in our worship services; however we understand that parents may prefer their littlest ones join our professional and loving childcare staff in the Nursery, which is open from 9:00 am until the conclusion of the 10:30am service. Parents are encouraged to pick up their child(ren) from the Nursery after the Prayers of the People so they can join the congregation for communion. 

Hours: 10:00am - 12:00pm

The nursery and Big-Kid Care is also available for special church events as needed for parents who participate adult formation classes. To inquire if childcare is available for a particular event, please contact Ashley Bond at .

Godly Play classes begin at 10:30 am. We begin to welcome children into their classrooms beginning at 10:25am. Please be on time.

Parents should walk their child directly to their respective classroom so that they arrive before 10:30 am. A Godly Play doorperson stands outside of the classroom door to welcome your child and help them to “get ready” to cross the threshold into a sacred space.

Godly Play classrooms are divided into three developmentally appropriate age groups:

  • GP1 is our Primary Community: PK3 - K
  • GP2 is our Elementary Community: 1st - 2nd Grade
  • GP3 is our Advanced Elementary Community: 3rd - 5th Grade

Learn More

If you feel called to serve in the Godly Play ministry and would like a tour of a Godly Play classroom, please contact Ashley Bond.

We also invite you to learn more by visiting the Godly Play Foundation Website | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

The Acolyte Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church is a vibrant ministry for rising middle and high school students. Acolytes offer their presence and time to God and the spiritual life of the congregation as they assist the clergy and other sacred ministers in the liturgy. In this ministry of spiritual formation, youth deepen their faith as disciples of Christ. Students who participate learn and grow together by serving their community. Youth can receive service hours for this work.

Contact Ashley Bond if you or a young person you know is looking to serve.

As part of our Youth Confirmation Program, all candidates serve on an Acolyte Team for one year leading up to confirmation.

Support for your Growing Family

Trinity's Guild of the Christ Child (GOTCC) is a ministry that supports growing families through prayers and personal communications prior to a new child’s arrival. We hope to help each family and young child find their place within the Trinity church family.

Do you long to conceive or adopt?

The journey to parenthood can be long and challenging. Let us pray for you. Email Maria Elliott to be added to an internal and private prayer list. 

Are you expecting?

The arrival of a new baby is a joyous and hectic time in each family’s life. As your church family, we are delighted and excited for you. We also know that this can be an exhausting, worrisome and confusing time. Please let us know when your family is growing by emailing Ashley Bond, so that we can connect with you, hold you in prayer, and celebrate your child’s arrival.

Your Child's Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism is a holy moment in every family’s life together. To have your child baptized at Trinity, one parent should be an active parishioner participating in worship, service, formation, and stewardship at Trinity. It is recommended that the family meet with a member of Trinity's clergy in the months preceding the baptism to prepare as a family. Visit Becoming a Member for more information.

The Nursery: A Place for Our Smallest Members

As parents of small children, whether you are long-time members or visiting with us, you want to have peace of mind that your children are safe and well-cared for while you worship and learn. The nursery serves our youngest members (infant - 3 years) and is located in the church undercroft. We welcome children every Sunday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. The nursery is also available for special church events, baptism workshops, and for those participating in adult formation classes. To inquire if childcare is available for a particular event, please contact Ashley Bond.

Join Us! Serve with the Guild of the Christ Child

If you love babies, prayer, and putting together cute welcome baby baskets, this is the small group for you! We gather regularly at someone's home to plan and pray. Email Ashley Bond if you would like to help support growing families here at Trinity Episcopal Church.


Godly Play

Sunday, March 09, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM


Acolyte Ministry

VolunteerChildren and FamiliesServe in WorshipYouth

The Acolyte Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church is a vibrant ministry for rising 4th-12th grade youth. Acolytes recognize their service as an...


Ashley Bond

Director of Formation

office: (504) 670-2519

mobile: (504) 236-2672

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